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3 postpartum abs exercises

Abdominal diastasis is a consequence of pregnancy. So we suggest some postpartum abs exercises.

During the gestation period, especially in the second trimester, the increase in abdominal volume causes the abdominal muscles to move away. This alteration is called abdominal diastasis and it is essential to perform  postpartum abs exercises .

Abdominal diastasis occurs due to increased abdominal pressure, leading to changes and adaptations in these muscles, which become longer and more fragile.

The consequent weight gain and the hormonal changes that occur at this stage contribute to its development, which also works as a natural defense mechanism, as it allows the muscles to accompany the baby’s growth in the womb and there is no rupture of them.

Thus, in order to strengthen the abdominal wall and prevent greater fragility of these muscles, women can practice physical exercise at any stage of pregnancy, with postpartum abdominal exercises being an excellent option, even becoming essential from 28 weeks , at which time you may also start to notice some difficulty controlling your urine, which is a good phase to help you prepare for childbirth.

It is essential, however, that you always consult your family doctor and/or obstetrician  who should accompany you in carrying out these same postpartum abdominal exercises .

What are abs exercises?

Some of the best options for postpartum abdominal exercises are the so-called Kegel exercises , which also contribute to better control of the uterine wall, breathing and posture control.


Ventral pranche

  1. Position yourself on your stomach.
  2. Raise your body in a static position and support yourself on your forearms and toes.
  3. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Some of the most common consequences of abdominal diastasis include, then, constipation, involuntary loss of urine and back pain, making it important to perform, as previously mentioned, physical exercise throughout pregnancy.

Glute bridge

  1. Lie down on your stomach.
  2. Raise your hips and maintain this position statically for 30 seconds.

To perform these postpartum abdominal exercises correctly, all of them must be performed while strictly controlling your breathing and focusing attention not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on the pubococcygeus muscle – the muscle that, when contracting, for example, interrupts the urine.

Thus, while maintaining the static position of each of the exercises, you must perform 10 contractions of that same muscle, relaxing for a few moments between each one.

Sit-ups with Pilates ball

  1. Lie down on your stomach, with your hips, spine and head completely resting on the ground;
  2. Place both legs flexed and elevated at 90º, squeezing the Pilates ball between both legs;
  3. Maintain this static position for 30 seconds.

For the first two weeks, you should do the three postpartum sit-up exercises in a circuit, completing two sets. Over time, as the body adapts to the exercise stimulus, you can increase the exercise execution time to 45 seconds or even 60 seconds.


After childbirth, whether natural or through abdominal surgery, rejoining the muscles of the abdominal wall is essential, but requires even more care.

The so-called traditional abdominal exercises are not at all the most suitable for this period, as they produce intra-abdominal and pelvic pressure, helping the viscera to be pushed downwards.

As the new mother, after childbirth, still does not have the physical capacity to support this type of exercise, due to the hormone produced that relaxes the muscles in the pre-delivery period, traditional sit-ups can generate inguinal, abdominal and crural hernias, as well as other associated pathologies, such as: uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence.

The hypopressive method has proven, over time, to be the most effective in postpartum recovery. Bearing in mind that the uterus needs at least 40 days to return to its normal size, carrying out this type of exercises helps to reduce pelvic congestion, to replace the organs after childbirth and even to improve body posture.

This method consists of completely inhaling and exhaling the air until the abdomen begins to contract on its own and then “shrug in the belly”, pulling the abdominal muscles as if the objective were to bring the navel to the back.

It should not be forgotten that, in addition to medical supervision, you should seek advice from a professional in the area, so that you can be accompanied in the most personalized way possible.

Postpartum abdominal exercises

Carrying out this type of postpartum abdominal exercises is extremely beneficial for the new mother, as, in addition to preventing injuries due to the muscle fragility inherent in pregnancy, it promotes:

  • postural reeducation;
  • respiratory improvement, through the regulation of respiratory factors;
  • improvement of sexual function and the desire for intimate contact, which can be lost naturally with pregnancy;
  • reduction of the waist perimeter, through the toning of the abdomino-perineal musculature;
  • recovery of the pelvic floor, preventing dysfunctions. Such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapses, as previously mentioned;
  • pressure management (muscle pre-activation);
  • anxiety and confidence. Which are sometimes lost during pregnancy and even after, providing a new sense of well-being. Quality of life and even happiness.

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