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5 causes of abdominal bloating

Regardless of the aesthetic issue, the fact is that abdominal bloating is quite uncomfortable, isn’t it? Including, many people have the feeling of swelling but, visibly, the belly is not bigger than normal. But whatever the cause of the so-called distended abdomen, or abdominal distension, it is very important to properly investigate and act to mitigate the problem.

5 causes of abdominal bloating. Check out:

1: Abdominal bloating due to Gases

Gas is one of the most common reasons for abdominal bloating and much of this condition is due to the consumption of foods that have oligosaccharides. They are a type of carbohydrate that is not digested by the human digestive juice, and, preferentially, are metabolized in the colon by bacteria important for the intestinal flora. They, in turn, produce gases, such as CO² and methane.

That is, they are necessary foods for the organism but that, in some people, consumption can generate this discomfort. Among the foods that usually cause gas, whether due to the presence of oligosaccharides or other components, are beans, wheat bran, cereals, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, broccoli, asparagus and potatoes.

Therefore, it is always important to assess yourself well, check whether the increase in gas is recurrent after eating certain foods and talk to your doctor to find out how to compose a balanced diet, which does not cause these symptoms, but which you also do not fail to avoid. ingest important components for your health.

2 – Constipation

Another very uncomfortable origin is the famous constipation, or intestinal constipation. In this case, it is not just something uncomfortable, because, in fact, not having a good intestinal flow is harmful for our body.

In some people, constipation usually occurs due to the slower movement of feces through the intestine, which may be due to the use of some medications, organic conditions, pelvic floor dysfunctions, low water intake, poor fiber diet, sedentary lifestyle, abusive use laxatives, stress, among other causes.

In most cases, constipation does not have a serious origin and can be treated with lifestyle changes, acquiring healthy habits. However, depending on the recurrence and the failure of resolution with the main treatments, it is always important to investigate. This is due to the possibility of the problem being related to more serious illnesses, such as tumors in the intestine or neurological diseases.

3 – Liquid retention

Liquid retention is usually caused by dysfunctions, such as maintaining a diet rich in sodium, sedentary lifestyle, circulation problems, hypertension, among other factors.

One of the main indispensable ways to prevent and treat liquid retention is the daily intake of plenty of water – at least 2 liters per day. The more water is ingested, the more toxins can be released through the urine. In the case of food, a good measure is to focus on fruits that have diuretic action, such as pineapple, watermelon, apple, melon, pear, coconut and lemon.

With regard to other causes of more dangerous origin, such as hypertension and poor circulation, it is essential to undergo a medical evaluation and follow the indicated treatments.

4 – Abdominal fat

It may seem too obvious to name this cause, but it is important to point it out. Many times the discomfort of the belly is due to nothing more than excess fat in the region. In this case, it is necessary to understand, initially, what has contributed to the weight gain, take the preventive exams and act with the formula that is irreplaceable for weight control, in addition to other extra measures that can be indicated only by a professional. of health: maintain good eating habits and practice physical exercises regularly.

It is also important to lift the type of fat that is in the abdomen area. The greatest danger is in the so-called visceral adipose tissue (VAT), better known as visceral fat, a type of fat that surrounds the organs in the abdomen region, different from that subcutaneous fat, which is the one that accumulates just below the skin . Studies indicate that visceral fat increases the chances of heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes and stroke.

5 – Disorders in the intestine

You can already notice how much gastrointestinal disorders and diseases are largely responsible for the feeling of swelling in the abdomen, right? Therefore, we bring here some more causes that are related to the function of our body.

This is the case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a functional disorder of the intestines that causes reactions such as a feeling of bloated belly, abdominal cramps, greater release of gases and malaise. But, physiologically, it does not present any type of lesion in the intestine.

Another disorder is celiac disease, an immune disorder that causes inflammation in the small intestine due to the ingestion of gluten, a protein found in wheat, oats, rye and barley. When this inflammation occurs, it can cause pain and increased gas production. Therefore, every person who is affected by celiac disease needs to remove any food that contains gluten from their diet. With this withdrawal, the symptoms are ceased.

Another example of a gastrointestinal disorder is lactose intolerance, caused by the body’s inability, either partially or completely, to digest lactose, the milk sugar, due to a lack of lactase. With this, lactose reaches the intestine unchanged and is fermented by bacteria that produce gases, cause fluid retention and even cause colic and diarrhea.

Keep an eye on your health: maintain a healthy lifestyle, take your preventive exams and, in case of any recurring problem, talk to your doctor.

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