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6 exercises for a complete abdominal workout

We share some exercises for a complete abdominal workout and how to do them correctly.
The abdominal is composed of a set of muscles without bone protection, and for that reason exercise is essential. Its muscles line the lateral, anterior and posterior walls of the abdomen, and act as a kind of belt. It is a region that has a dynamic and flexible role.

Its upper limit is formed by the diaphragm muscle and the lower limit is formed by the muscles that make up the pelvic floor.

The abdominal assumes a great role in the human body, performing several functions such as:

  • Protect the internal organs of that area (namely the digestive system and part of the urinary and genital system)
  • Help maintain correct posture
  • Protect the lower back


Due to the constant search for the desired abs, we will suggest a  complete abdominal workout  .

These exercises are isometric, avoiding overload on the spine or neck. In all of them we can make variations to intensify the exercises. Remember the  hypopressive abs and apply the abdominal contraction in all exercises.

front plank

– Execution –

  1. Lying face down.
  2. Keep your elbows in line with your shoulders and only support them with your toes.
  3. Abdominal contracted, spine neutral, unite the shoulder blades, without applying pressure on the shoulders.
  4. Stay in isometry by always contracting the abdominal.

Increase the difficulty by alternately raising one leg, raising your hips, supporting your legs on a Swiss ball or performing the climbing movement with your legs.

side plank for abdominal workout

– Execution –

  1. Lying on your side on the floor on your side, place your elbow under your shoulder.
  2. Bring your legs together and place the highest leg directly on top of the other.
  3. Extend your legs, keeping your entire body aligned laterally.
  4. Lift your body up until you are in a straight position with support from your forearm and lateral foot. Keep isometry in this position.
  5. Repeat to the other side.

Increase difficulty with abduction of the leg, bringing the knee to the chest, or rotating the arm.

Rollout on Fitball in abdominal workout

Execution –

  1. In a plank position with legs extended, elbows resting on the fitball and abs contracted.
  2. Roll the ball forward by extending your arms and hips.
  3. Repeat the movement.

Leg Raise Suspension on the Bar or Backrest

Execution –

  1. Grab a bar/backrest and lift your legs.
  2. You can stay in isometry at a 90º angle.
  3. If it’s difficult, just raise your knees towards you and go down without relaxing, returning to the starting position.

Plank with outstretched arms

Execution –

  1. Lying face down.
  2. With your hands resting on the floor.
  3. Supporting only with the tip of the feet and the hands.
  4. Abdominal contracted, spine neutral, unite the shoulder blades, without applying pressure on the shoulders.
  5. Stay in isometry by always contracting the abdominal.

Increase the difficulty by alternately raising one leg; supporting your legs on a Swiss ball; performing the climbing movement with the legs or touching the opposite shoulder with the hand.

Ab wheel

Execution –

  1. Start with your knees flat on the floor and your arms outstretched holding the ab wheel.
  2. Push the pelvis forward and slide, contracting the abdomen, until you reach the floor completely.
  3. Repeat the movement.

To help keep your back straight during this exercise, fix a specific point that will allow you to maintain the proper alignment of your vertebrae. Be careful when moving back to the starting position.


The main abdominal muscles are:

1. Rectus Abdominal Muscle

Superficial muscle separated by the white line into two parts. Responsible for the actions of trunk flexion and abdominal compression, assists in forced expiration.

2. External Oblique / Grand Oblique

As its name indicates, it is a superficial muscle, located laterally. It helps in the depression of the ribs and in the flexion of the trunk. They are also activated bilaterally when we cough.

3. Internal Oblique / Minor Oblique

Covered by the external oblique, its action is depression of the ribs, flexion of the trunk and rotation of the trunk to the same side.

4. Transverse

It makes up the innermost layer of the abdominal wall. Its action is visceral compression.

In addition to abdominal training, there are other factors that you should pay attention to so that you can more easily achieve the desired results. Some of them are care with food, stress reduction and increased sleep quality.

Like any other muscle group, performing these exercises must be planned. Do not perform abdominal training every day, give the muscle a rest by performing exercises every other day.

The main mistake made when performing abdominal training is to force the spine or neck and not contract the abdominal.

To learn how to contract the abdominal and apply it to other exercises, we suggest performing hypopressive sit-ups, as they strengthen the muscles of the abdominal and pelvic band with the help of the breathing muscles (such as the diaphragm). Avoiding overloading the pelvic area and spine, it helps with postural work and its movements promote the reduction of pressure in the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities.


While performing these exercises, avoid blocking your breath. A blockage in breathing will significantly increase blood pressure.

Start by performing the exercises with a reduced duration and gradually increase the intensity. Maintain correct posture while performing the exercises.

In short, the abdominal exercises play an extremely important role in our body and, therefore, there are several conditions that involve abdominal training.

Seek the help of professionals, because in addition to advising you on the most suitable exercises, they will ensure that you perform them correctly and safely. Only then will your goals be achieved.

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