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Health as physical and mental well-being

From this definition, given by the  World Health Organization (WHO) , it is impossible to think about health improvement without a broader view of the subject. Several other factors can put the mental well-being of individuals at risk. Thus, health can be defined as biopsychosocial-spiritual-ecological well-being, that is: physical, psychological (mental and emotional), social, spiritual (meaning for life) and ecological (environmental) well-being.

The perception of the concept of  quality of life  also has many points in common with the definition of health. Thus, it is perceived the need to analyze the body, mind and even the social context in which the individual is inserted to better conceptualize the state of health.

Thus, some very simple habits are crucial for a healthy and balanced life and can help maintain your physical and emotional well-being:

Maintain your physical and mental well-being

Healthy eating

It is not possible to talk about a healthy life without mentioning food, since healthy eating habits are important for the prevention or emergence of diseases. This is because in nature  or minimally processed foods   have the ability to provide the nutrients your body needs and thus promote the maintenance and restoration of your body’s health.

Eat well. Try to eat three times a day. Always prefer natural and whole foods, avoiding very caloric foods at night. Opt for natural juices instead of soft drinks and industrialized juices.

In contrast, ultra-processed foods, in general, are poor in nutrients and rich in chemical additives, calories, fat, sugar and sodium. Higher consumption of these foods has been linked to a greater chance of obesity, cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, frail conditions, and all-cause mortality.

Drink a lot of water

Hydrate. To ensure the proper functioning of the organism, we must ingest at least two and a half liters of water per day.

The total amount of water in the body of human beings corresponds to 75% of the weight in childhood and more than half in adulthood. She is largely responsible for transporting nutrients, regulating cells and other vital functions of the body. After that, there is no longer any doubt about the importance of water for health, right?

Get in touch with nature

Establish contact with nature. Go to the beach, take a dip in the waterfall, take time to walk in green areas. Harmony with nature is fundamental to your emotional balance.

Have an exercise routine

Did you know that a physically active life promotes benefits both in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, including cancer? The practice of physical activity should be encouraged at all times of life, as it brings many health benefits.

The sooner you start the better. You can do physical activity in your free time, while walking or cycling, at your work or studies and even doing household chores.

Move yourself. Include some physical activity in your routine. Choose an activity that you identify with. Exercises improve physical conditioning and provide a sense of well-being and disposition.

Remember when we talked about physical and emotional well-being as part of the concept of health? The regular practice of physical activity is one of the steps to achieve both. This is because physical activities increase the release of mood-linked neurotransmitters: serotonin and endorphins.

In that sense, putting the body in motion helps improve mood, anxiety symptoms, depression and stress frames. In addition, physical activity protects and improves the immune system, strengthens bones and muscles, prevents joint problems, improves flexibility, functional capacity.

Sleep well

Another important health benefit, which is also provided by a physically active life, is the  quality of sleep . That portion of hours that we take at night to sleep are very precious for repairing our body.

It is during sleep that we recover everything that was spent during the day. In that sense, health is all about a good night’s sleep!

Sleep well. A good night’s sleep, in addition to recharging your energies, is essential for the proper functioning of the body and mind.

Keep in touch socially

Speaking of mental well-being, nothing has more impact on this aspect than social interaction. Human beings are sociable by nature, so strengthening ties and developing an affective bond is very important to keep your mind healthy!

In this pandemic period, this is the aspect that has been most affected by the proposed social distance. No wonder, staying at home has been extremely stressful and a source of anxiety for many people. But there are ways to get around this!

More than ever, technologies can be allies when it comes to bringing people together. But sometimes you don’t even have to go very far! Being closer to the people who live at home can also be an excellent source of well-being and socialization. The longer period at home may even make it easier in this sense, since the members spend more time together.

He cares for himself!

But just as important as relationships with other people is relationships with ourselves. And our mental health is also directly linked to inner satisfaction. In that sense, the first step to developing both good self-esteem and self-love is self-knowledge.

Knowing one’s own limitations, strengths and weaknesses helps to deal with and live with the adverse sensations that affect us. Self-love is a daily and constant exercise, which goes through acceptance and reconciliation with yourself. After all, if you can’t be well with yourself, it will possibly impact other areas of life.

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