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Know the main bad eating habits

Bad eating habits can be dangerous for your health. Eating habits can be good or bad for your health, and it all depends on the proportion in which certain foods and/or nutrients are consumed.

Nothing in excess is good for the organism, because, just as a garage has a limit on vacancies, we have limits on reserves that, when exceeded, have a harmful effect on the body . That’s why there is the importance of healthy eating for health.

Keep reading and stay on top of some harmful habits!

What is bad eating habits?

Putting too much salt in food

Salt is a set of Sodium Chloride molecules. In other words, there is a combination of two elements (sodium and chlorine) to form this ingredient.

In general, its culinary use with balance plays a fundamental role in a healthy diet, since it can improve the taste of food, which promotes more pleasure when eating.

However, in cases of excess, it can have an effect on our bloodstream , altering our blood pressure, as well as impairing our locomotion movements, On account that sodium performs an essential role within the transmission of nerve impulses in the body.

According to the World Health Organization, the recommendation is up to 5g of salt per day or 2g of sodium.

consume too much sugar

Excess sugar has an intimate relationship with cases of obesity and diabetes in the world. However, at permissible levels (up to 10% of the day’s overall calories), the best-known type (table sugar) can be administered within a healthy eating routine, as long as it does not exceed this quota too much.

Sugar does not become a cause for obesity or diabetes just by consuming it, however, in cases of people who consume sugar in amounts above the permitted (which is not difficult due to the ease of administration), this can be a determining factor for weight gain and increased insulin resistance , as it makes it easier to exceed the ideal daily calorie volume.

In addition to these factors, this excessive consumption tends to mess with our taste buds in the same way as excess salt, so that, in the long run, we lose sensitivity to other flavors and, in old age, our perception of taste decreases.

Assemble dishes with little variety

All of this brings us to an extremely important point: changing your diet. Ingesting different classes of food , such as vegetables, fruits and grains, is of paramount importance in the long term of a healthy diet.

By varying little, we lose the assertiveness of the palate, exposure to new combinations of tastes, odors, textures and food temperatures. In addition, it is interesting to vary forms of preparation and ingredients in these dishes.

No food is rich in all known macro and micronutrients, which requires dietary variation. Furthermore, some have specific properties of certain compounds capable of performing activities in our body that are beneficial to health, not being nutrients.

Not hydrating properly

Your body needs water to function properly. By not properly hydrating yourself, you are more vulnerable, not just in terms of immunity, but in motor and cognitive aspects.

We make decisions and carry out movements with a much lower capacity and speed, which directly influences our daily performance with ourselves and with others.

A quick calculation to know the minimum that should be consumed per day, in normal situations, is to multiply your weight (kg) by 35ml. The result is the smallest amount to be consumed in your day, in the case of an average adult, and may vary for the elderly and children.

And already be aware: don’t wait to get thirsty to drink water . When this happens, your body is already less hydrated than normal, so using alarms or always keeping a full bottle in sight is the best way to prevent this from happening.

On hot days, drink more water, as we lose more of it to the environment due to the heat — which increases our sweat rate.

In addition, drinking water during meals can be a good option, as long as it does not cause discomfort and is regulated to up to 200ml.

Take professionals support to avoid bad eating habits

The nutritionist is the professional responsible for working directly with the dietary planning of individuals, of the most varied types, with the most diverse peculiarities, in favor of promoting healthy eating, aligned with their health, performance or aesthetic goals.

With their most varied areas of activity, the clinical professional or the Unified Health System (SUS) has fundamentals to meet their demands, balancing:

  • water;
  • fibers;
  • micronutrients (vitamins and minerals);
  • macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats).

In addition, they are able to modulate other components of the diet to achieve what is intended between him/her and the patient in question, delivering the action plan in the most individualized , adequate and harmonic way.

Some professionals specialize in certain areas, which can make their approach more effective for certain audiences, in addition to making it easier for potential clients to search.

When looking for specialized help, know that only a nutritionist is a qualified professional who is authorized by law to prescribe common diets in health clinics.

The science of food is vast and involves other professionals, however, each one has their own area of ​​expertise, which must be known by all, but addressed by those specialized in their place of speech.

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