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Quality of life: what is it? Check out Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

How is your quality of life? It’s worth a lot to think about, look at your own habits and adjust what you need.

But what is behind a life with more quality? Land the perfect job. Fulfill your dreams. Have health.  Finally be happy. The possibilities are many.

And if it’s true that the real answer lies within you, it also cannot be denied that tips always help in this goal.

That’s what you’ll see from now on. We prepared content that addresses the concept of quality of life and lists actions to achieve balance and well-being.

Follow along!

What is a good life?

The concept of quality of life, according to the WHO (World Health Organization), is the perception that each person has of their own existence, taking into account their goals, perspectives, standards and expectations.

Within this concept, different circumstances are also considered, such as emotional, psychological, physical and social issues.

What does it mean to have quality of life?

Quality of life is relative to a certain extent, even if it takes into account aspects such as health and nutrition , which are less subjective factors.

For some people, running outdoors can be the ideal pastime. For others, the most interesting hobby may be watching a movie with friends.

The secret, in fact, lies in finding balance. Too much of nothing is healthy, and this is also what quality of life is about.

What is the difference between well-being and quality of life?

According to the dictionary itself, the term “well-being” refers to: “state of full satisfaction of the demands of the body and/or spirit.”

Quality of life, of course, also considers all of this, but in a broader sense.

Instead of thinking about just today’s well-being, for example, having a quality life proposes that satisfaction is full, recurrently.

So, we can conclude that one concept is directly linked to the other.

What is the importance of having a good quality of life?

Having a good quality of life is being closer to achieving fulfillment in all sectors of your existence.

It’s facing your routine through the implementation of more conscious and healthy habits.

We can say that it is the fuel that makes us move forward.

When we are balanced and in harmony with ourselves and those around us, there is nothing that can hold us back.

Health and quality of life go hand in hand – if you invest in the first, you will certainly be closer to achieving the second.

What factors interfere with people’s quality of life?

Several factors contribute to a person having a good quality of life or not.

Next, we comment on the main ones.


“You are what you eat”.

Certainly, this phrase has appeared in front of you at some time and, even if it may sound repetitive, it reproduces reality.

Therefore, to have a good quality of life, you need to eat at least five meals a day, invest in balanced diets rich in nutrients and good fats , eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and greens and drink plenty of water.

Personal relationships

Since childhood, we have been building relationships.

First, with our parents and family. Then with friends, colleagues, teachers and so on.

In this sense, creating positive affective bonds is also an important aspect for maintaining a good quality of life.

Professional life

It is impossible not to relate quality of life with professional fulfillment.

After all, it’s priceless to work with what you like.

In that case, the financial return is just a consequence of your commitment and dedication.

Therefore, if the job goes well, the quality of life follows suit.

Sport and leisure — Invest in regular physical activity

Although work is an important factor, it is no more or less fundamental than any other.

Again, let’s resort to balance. You need to have moments of relaxation and fun in the midst of a hectic professional routine.

The practice of sports and the performance of physical and relaxing activities are allies of health!

Moving the body keeps the body strong and resilient . In addition, it releases hormones responsible for well-being.

Look for a physical activity that you like and practice it constantly. It can be bodybuilding, yoga, pilates, circus classes, pole dancing, swimming, volleyball, etc., etc.

Healthy habits

Speaking of health, certain habits bring you closer to a good quality of life.

Sleeping six to eight hours a night, being more positive, not smoking, avoiding excessive consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages, meditating and periodic check-ups are some examples.

What does it take to have an awesome first-class of life?

To get you even closer to having a good quality of life, we’ve put together some tips that will help with this task.

Check out!

Quality of life and physical health

  • Prevention is better than cure: know your family history, your genetic predispositions and perform periodic exams to take care of your physical health.
  • Eat properly: food is a source of vital nutrients and vitamins for our body. In addition, they help to prevent and combat various health problems.
  • Practice physical activities: sedentary lifestyle is one of the risk factors that contribute to the emergence of various diseases. So, don’t stand still: find that physical activity that gives you the most pleasure, start practicing.

Quality of life and mental health

  • Be more positive: A healthy dose of optimism won’t hurt. Believe more in yourself and your ability to transform reality.
  • Meditate: We all need moments of solitude. In addition to being conducive to reflection and the organization of ideas, they are great for calming the mind amid the chaos of everyday life.
  • Open up: while we are our best companions, there are situations in which it is important to share. Talk to your friends and family and stop keeping things to yourself.

Quality of life at work

  • Don’t leave for tomorrow what can be done today: manage your time, listing a list of priorities to be fulfilled. This will lessen your anxiety and stress at work a bit.
  • Invest in your vocation: work with what you love and leave other aspects aside. Stability and high salaries are important, but without passion they will be insufficient.

Build the best environment possible: avoid nitpicking, stay true to your principles, show empathy and be a positive example for your colleagues.

For all this, also seek help from a professional.

Health professionals, whether physical or mental, are crucial to helping you live better.

Some examples of this are the nutritionist, who can draw up an ideal food plan for your needs and routine.

In addition to the psychologist, who can listen to your demands, complaints, anxieties and desires — then help you organize all of this and thus you can live with emotional intelligence.

Apart from the doctors, so important for that health check-up (done year after year).

Anyway, the general tip here is: seek all necessary professional help!

What reduces the quality of life?

We have already mentioned, in previous topics, one or another habit that impairs the quality of life.

But, just to point out most of them, in general, here is a list of what you need to AVOID doing:

  • smoke;
  • drinking alcohol without moderation;
  • lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • not investing in self-knowledge;
  • stop taking care of mental health;
  • have a diet with few nutrients;
  • not hydrate properly;
  • fail to do preventive medical examinations;
  • not having moments of leisure;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • among others.

How to measure quality of life?

Well, a very simple way to know this is to look at all the quality factors that we explained, and think if you, today, practice all of them or, at least, most of them.

If not, it’s time to rethink and try to change your habits. It’s always time to improve.

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