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Whey Protein: what it is, benefits and how to insert it into your diet

Jokes aside, in case you’ve seen something similar, we’re (most likely) talking about Whey Protein.

For those who don’t know that much, they usually associate this supplement with muscle mass gain, giving it the unique role of causing this process.

However, that’s not quite how the band plays. Does it help to make that happen? Yes, however, its role goes much further. From slimming down to everyday life , it can be useful, however, it will never be necessary to get results.

Come with us to understand why!

What actually is Whey Protein?

Whey Protein is basically a part of milk . Whey is made from the processing of milk as we know it, isolating its whey, so the alternative name of this compound is “whey protein”.

From the removal of fats, and the maximum possible carbohydrates from whey, we have a protein compound that undergoes drying and atomization processes to form the well-known powder that bodybuilders love.

Basically, in general terms, Whey Protein is a very rich complex of amino acids (small molecules that form proteins), as some of these small compounds are essential for the body (that is, we do not produce them) and are found in appropriate amounts . to sustain our body’s protein metabolism.

Not only that, but this high biological value protein source has a high capacity and fast absorption rate , which is why it is widely used by bodybuilders, in search of optimizing their gains and muscle repair.

Due to its practicality, whey is a way to facilitate people’s food planning , after all, the day to day of the common worker is extremely busy.

However, it is important to emphasize that it is not necessary to use it to obtain these essential amino acids or to be able to repair your muscles efficiently.

The compound would not be called a food supplement if it were necessary to have it in the diet of every human being.

What are your main benefits of Whey Protein:?

Whey Protein itself does not work a miracle, of course, but its use can bring certain benefits to people who have a busy routine, do not enjoy different options to keep their protein intake constant during the day or something like that.

So, here are some benefits:

  • versatility: whey goes with water or milk and derivatives, it all depends on your purpose;
  • practicality: in routine, stopping and preparing an ideal intermediate meal is not always possible, which is why it is a great option;
  • speed: because of the configuration of its molecules, its absorption speed is greater compared to a cut of meat or a spoonful of beans, for example;
  • high biological value: this benefit is not exclusive to whey, but it has the entire chain of amino acids, essential and non-essential, providing an ideal supply of amino acids to support our protein metabolism;
  • diversity: in addition to the various flavors that the supplement industry provides, this supplement has variations of types, such as concentrate, hydrolyzed and isolated, reaching different audiences, with or without health complications.

In addition, whey can guarantee a series of other advantages, which are not exclusive to it, but are enhanced by it:


A protein is like a train with several cars, the latter being amino acids. The wagons can have different types, shapes and colors, but, depending on the protein, some of these pieces of the locomotive (protein) end up missing or not being in the ideal amount.

Whey Protein has several amino acids in its composition , among them, the essential ones (those that we do not produce in our body), which support different processes in the body and, among them, the synthesis of proteins, which is extremely important for the maintenance of life, since proteins have different roles, as seen earlier.

It is worth mentioning that it is not just a benefit of whey . We achieved this contribution in several other ways and much more prevalent in everyday life.


The organism’s healing process needs different signals and processes to occur efficiently, among them, the synthesis (production) of new tissues of a specific type, in order to fill that vacancy of the skin or muscle, when deep.

Coagulation signaling is a very important process carried out by inflammatory substances that are basically regulatory proteins. From this, in the affected area, several coagulation factors are mobilized, which are also proteins.

As if that were not enough, the production of collagen (a structural protein found in the skin, for example) is dependent on the supply of amino acids that our body receives and the efficiency in producing it.

Whey is a non-exclusive way to obtain an ideal supply of amino acids in quantity and quality to sustain the production of all those proteins involved in healing for a period of the day.

prevention of heart disease

According to a randomized double-blind clinical study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , individuals submitted to high dosages of whey had a decrease in their general blood pressure and a decrease in total cholesterol.

However, as it is just a study, it is not enough to become a scientific rule (because that does not exist), but it brings a strong indication for a possible future basis.

In addition, with adequate protein intake, the structure of blood vessels becomes more resistant and able to support blood flow, preventing any type of injury or future complications.

What are the types of Whey Protein: ?

Today, with the advancement of industrial technology, several varieties of this supplement have been created. Discover some below:


In the concentrated format, protein is making up most of the overall content (about 80%) of the product.

There is a very low carbohydrate content with more bonds between protein molecules, making their junction more resistant, requiring greater digestion activity.

However, without digestive peculiarities (intestinal or stomach), its intake is the most recommended.


The hydrolyzed model brings with it a set of proteins that have their bonds as broken as possible , making their absorption even faster and not requiring much of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is usually the type recommended for people with stomach or bowel complications.


This whey protein is perfect for individuals with digestive aversion to lactose (intolerance or mild discomfort), as it isolates the protein compound from its portion of carbohydrates or fats, almost entirely.

Its absorption speed is greater than concentrated whey , but lower than hydrolyzed whey, in addition to containing a greater amount of protein in a single portion, reaching approximately 90% (at least) of the total content.

How to insert Whey Protein into food in a tasty way?

Whey has a very practical and versatile fit into the routine, especially in intermediate meals or at the beginning / end of the day. Its flavored options tend to have more adherence than the neutral version, having a sweetener in the composition and making many recipes possible.

Some products interact better with other ingredients, however this is not usually the case.

We suggest adding whey for its ease of interaction with our product, enhancing the flavor of your preparation and enriching its proteins, such as cookies with peanut butter, mug cake or even in a yogurt.

Now that you already know this supplement and its most known types, as well as ways to insert it into your routine, just be aware of the fact that you really need it in your food planning.

For people with an extremely busy life, whey protein can be a great option to not miss the time to ingest proteins!

If you are really focused on consuming this product, just consult a qualified professional to receive better instructions on how to supplement this “protein powder”.

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